Study shows that certain jobs put people at greater risk for adult onset asthma

While there are many people who live with asthma for their whole lives, there are some who don’t develop this chronic respiratory disease until they are well into adulthood. According to a recent study from Imperial College London, one in six cases of adult onset asthma may be linked to risks in the workplace – particularly cleaning jobs where individuals are constantly exposed to dangerous chemicals.

There are a number of occupations that researchers suspect can lead to asthma, reports Science Daily. The study revealed that farmers, for example, were four times more likely to develop asthma as an adult than people who worked in offices. Other occupations that led to an increased risk in the chronic respiratory disease were hairdressers and printing workers.

According to HealthDay news, the researchers from Imperial College London studied​ 7,500 British adults born in 1958 up until the age of 42. They tracked the participants’ job histories and compiled information on their symptoms of asthma or wheezy bronchitis at the ages of 7, 11, 16, 33 and 42. Ultimately, they were able to conclude that 16 percent of adult onset asthma cases could be explained by the individuals’​ occupations.

“This study identified 18 occupations that are clearly linked with asthma risk, but there are others that did not show up in our analysis, mainly because they are relatively uncommon,” said Dr. Rebecca Ghosh, the study’s lead author. “Occupational asthma is widely under-recognized by employers, employees and healthcare professionals.Raising awareness that this is an almost entirely preventable disease would be a major step in reducing its incidence.”

For those who are regularly exposed to cleaning products, it’s a good idea to wear a respirator mask to avoid breathing in all of those dangerous chemicals. Additionally, there are a number of products available that are intended for people who suffer from asthma or allergies. These odor-free and hypoallergenic cleaners, like Allersearch Allergy Relief Products, are designed to remove dust mites, pet dander and other household triggers without causing a negative reaction in those who are using them.

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