Your workplace is the one place you need to feel healthy and focused in order to concentrate on the job at hand. If you're experiencing allergy symptoms like sneezing, coughing, itching and stuffy or runny nose, instead of letting your productivity suffer, start thinking about what allergy products you can use to make your workspace allergen-free.
If you work in a production or manufacturing environment like a factory or foundry, there's a good chance that harmful particles will be floating around just waiting to cause you discomfort. You'd be best served to invest in a hypoallergenic dust mask that can filter irritants and allergens that would be present in the air.
Working in an office environment also holds its own dangers. Dust mites can live in carpets and chairs. Every time you walk around or get up out of your chair, they may be releasing a cloud of dust mites. Mold is another unseen allergy threat that may attack you in your office if moisture is allowed to form under rugs or in closets.
There are some measures you can take to keep you safe from these dangers at work. You can switch to using leather or vinyl chairs instead of fabric that would be susceptible to dust mites. If your office uses a central air conditioner, consider asking management to install a HEPA filter.
You might also want to consider working from home more often, where you have control over your environment. You can invest in a dehumidifier, hypoallergenic bedding and HEPA filter vacuum cleaners from Allergy Be Gone to further safeguard your work area and keep yourself allergy-free and productive.