If you live in or around Santa Cruz, California, you may have noticed that your fall allergies have seemed worse than usual this year. According to the Santa Cruz Sentinel, this is likely due to an abundance of reddish-brown algae that blooms in the ocean from August through October and causes symptoms similar to hay fever.
"The algae produce proteins, so if you're in the ocean a lot, you can start to build an allergic reaction to these proteins," Raphael Kudela, an ocean scientist from the University of California at Santa Cruz, explained to the source.
Since the weather has been notably warm lately, the symptoms may last a bit longer than usual. However, some people who reside in the area have noticed that following recent rain and cooler temperatures, the algae has begun to dissipate.
"My allergies have gotten a lot better, and I'm not sneezing all night," Chris DiCola, a local surfer, said in an interview with the news outlet. "Been out the past couple of days now, and it seems more crowded. People are returning to the water."
Individuals who live in Santa Cruz and are trying to find ways to keep their symptoms at a minimum should check out some of the allergy control products on the Allergy Be Gone website. By placing an allergen air purifier in your home, you can significantly reduce the amount of pollutants that get into your airways. This device, in addition to hypoallergenic bedding, is a great way to combat your symptoms and improve your quality of life when you're at home.