Several weeks ago, consulting company Environmental Health & Engineering published a press release announcing the results of the Allergen All-Star Pet Awards, which were given to 11 animals that are linked with low levels of allergens.
"Exposure to pet allergens typically occurs in the home when fur, dander or dried saliva become airborne and are inhaled," explained Dr. Ted Myatt, a senior scientist at Environmental Health & Engineering, in a press statement. "It's important to note that no breed of dogs or cats has been proven to be truly hypo-allergenic, but studies suggest that some may be more allergen-friendly than others. If you're looking for a pet that doesn't produce any allergens, try one with scaly skin, like an iguana."
According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, about 10 percent of the U.S. population suffers from pet allergies and up to 30 percent of people with asthma may have a negative reaction when in close proximity to a cat or dog. If you're one of these individuals, you may want to consider getting one of the following 11 pets that made Environmental Health & Engineering's list:
• Bedlington Terrier
• Devon Rex Cat
• Irish Water Spaniel
• Javanese Cat
• Labradoodle
• Labrador Retriever
• Maltese
• Schnauzer
• Yorkshire Terrier
• Iguana.
The good news is that there are ways to coexist with your pets even if you're allergic to them. For example, you can invest in allergy control products like an allergen air purifier and allergenic bedding to reduce your exposure to pet dander and other household irritants. Check out the Allergy Be Gone website today to find out more information about these and other items.