On this blog, we talk a lot about the best ways to combat your seasonal, and everyday allergies in tried and true ways. There are a number of amazing allergy control and treatment tools and products on the market that are sure to alleviate some of your ailments. However, many of the people that we talk to are hopeful that they will eventually grow out of their allergies – especially those who suffer from food allergies.
But is that really possible?
There are eight foods that trigger approximately 90 percent of food allergies. Milk, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, soy, eggs, wheat and peanuts are the top offenders, and they affect over 15 million Americans each year.
Most medical professionals indicate that children with food allergies are more likely to outgrow their symptoms, unless, of course, that allergen is peanut.
"As many as 85 percent of children with milk, egg or soy allergy will eventually outgrow their allergy," a post for UCLA Health states. "A much lower percentage (about 20 percent) outgrow peanut allergy. You should discuss the status of your child's food allergy with his or her allergist to see if there are signs that the allergy might be resolving. Decreased reactions on skin tests and decreases in blood levels of serum-specific allergic antibody may indicate the allergy is resolving or that your child is developing tolerance to the problem food."
If these numbers are not changing as your child ages, the best thing you can do is avoid the triggers altogether. If your little one does encounter a food or other allergen that they react to, be sure to have an EpiPen or other form of allergy control on hand. To learn more about how Allergy Be Gone can help with all of your allergy and asthma needs, visit us online today!