Tips for keeping asthma symptoms under control during the winter

These frigid winter months can be brutal, especially for people who suffer from asthma. The cold, dry air can often exacerbate symptoms, making it difficult for people with this chronic respiratory disease to stay comfortable.

“There are two issues with winter for people with asthma,” Dr. Marilyn Li, an allergist and immunologist with the Los Angeles County &University of Southern California Healthcare Network, told Everyday Health. “One is that the air is cold and dry, and the other is people have more sinus and upper respiratory infections, either of which can trigger or worsen asthma attacks.”

Fortunately, there are actions you can take to reduce your asthma symptoms during the winter. You might want to try:

Breathing through your nose – When the weather is particularly cold, you want to breathe through your nose. Why? Well, because, reports Everyday Health, your nose actually warms up the air for your lungs.

Getting a flu shot – No one wants the flu, but for those who suffer from asthma and allergies, the effects of this virus can be more dangerous. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that most people over the age of six months old get a flu shot.

Investing in a whole house air purifier – This product can work wonders for people with asthma and allergies, as it removes allergens directly from the air.

Replacing your air filters – If the filters in your home heating system aren’t replaced on a regular basis, they can collect dust and debris and blow that directly into your house.

Washing your hands frequently– It may seem like common sense, but doctors say that washing your hands properly and frequently with soap and water is one of the best ways to prevent colds and other viruses.

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