Should allergy tests be more comprehensive?

It's important to have a thorough allergy test so you can better manage allergies.

It's been one of the worst allergy seasons in recent years for many parts of the United States. The prolonged winter in the Northeast, along with unusually dry conditions elsewhere in the country has produced harsh consequences for allergy sufferers. Many allergies normally seen earlier in the summer are now being pushed back later in the year.

As a result of this unique phenomenon, doctors have warned sufferers and healthcare professionals that the standard allergy tests are no longer enough. When most people check for allergies, they usually go to their primary doctor's office to have their blood sampled and skin pricked. However, is your doctor doing enough to diagnosis the correct allergies as well as prepare you to better manage them?

Dr. Kate Grimshaw, a specialist pediatric dietitian at Southamptom Children's Hospital, believes doctors need to do more while testing patients. While her thoughts were mainly related to food allergies, the same logic can be applied to any type of allergen.

When getting tested for allergies, ensure you've covered a number of questions with your doctor. This will enable you to better manage your allergies. For example, these are some questions your doctor should cover with you:

  1. What are your symptoms?
  2. Do you have symptoms both indoors and outdoors? When do they usually occur?  
  3. Do they get worse around pets?
  4. What makes your symptoms better?

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We have a large selection of humidifiers and air purifiers to keep you healthy this winter!

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