Children have more allergies than their parents, professionals say

Having kids exposed to allergens like pets at an earlier age may help them avoid developing allergies down the line.

It is no secret that kids these days are more prone to allergies than their parents and grandparents had been. In fact, many families are noting a prominence in food and environmental allergens.

Many parents note that these allergies have changed the ways that kids interact in the classroom and some of the more traditional aspects of elementary and middle school social education like birthday parties, snack time and what they are allowed to bring in for lunch.

The problem is, many parents and grandparents simply don't understand why, considering that for a long while, it was assumed that allergies were hereditary. But doctors are now saying that the rise in numbers is occurring around the globe, but most specifically in the developed world.

The reason for the increase? There are a number of theories floating around. The hygiene hypothesis postulates that a lack of exposure to germs in childhood has lead to lower immune systems and greater risk for allergies.

Then, according to CBS Pittsburgh, "There's the "old friends hypothesis" that says through modern sanitation and antibiotics, we're losing contact with the rich diversity of microbes we've coexisted with since the stone age, which had been somewhat protective."

But even with those ideas, simply getting dirty is not necessarily the answer. According to Dr. Deborah Gentile, a professional allergist, it is not only a matter of exposing yourself to germs and environmental factors later in life, but also what the pregnant mother puts into her body even before fertilization.

When it comes to keeping yourself, and your kids healthy, utilizing allergy control products that are both hypoallergenic and organic is the best practice. To learn how Allergy Be Gone can help, contact us today!

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